......Not wonderful enough ????
It's Official. The Taj Mahal IS more beautiful than the Eiffel Tower. Or the Statue of Liberty. Or the Sistine Chapel. Suck on THAT, Michaelangelo !! Millions have voted ladies and gentlemen, but we can have only seven winners. And lets face it, with all the hoopla and hype surrounding the brand new, sparkling seven wonders, you know what they are. Seven of the most excusite, glorious examples of architecture reduced to being reality show contestants. The only thing missing was the caustic "wit" of Simon Cowell or Anu Malik. (Can you imagine what that would be like ? " I have seen a lot of architecture in my day, but none that made me want to shoot myself....Until NOW!!!!" I'd pay good money to have seen the Statue of Liberty booed off the stage). So now, it is set in bold, clear terms, what the seven most wonderful pieces of human creation are. Absolutely impartial judgement folks. The fact that india and China have more than ten gazillion more mobile phones than Spain, France or Australia didn't even matter one tiny bit. And Jordan. An average Jordanian has more money than God, so let's face it, sending a hundred messages a day shouldn't have been too problematic for them. Especially since there was no limit as to how many votes could be sent from one mobile phone. Real democratic, that process. OK there was Mexico, which is neither rich nor very populated, but seriously, how many Christians are going to vote AGAINST the imposing statue of Christ the Redeemer? My point is, what gives us, or ANYBODY the right to judge the beauty of these timeless creations. They are beautiful, we all agree. But which one is MORE beautiful? I am sorry, but that just makes no sense. The only person associated with this whole affair who I admire is the guy who organised this. I take my hat off to you dude. To have suckered millions of people into actually believing in this charade of your's has led to you minting money. And with virtually no input from your side whatsoever!!! Granted that after years of mother-in-law daughter-in-law soaps and repeated reruns of Temkptation Island, the average brain has been softened somewhat, but still this is genius. So now I intend to cash in on this . I propose a poll to decide on the world's .............holiest saints. Seriously, just name a saint, give him a score on holiness on a scale of one to ten, and SMS it to me. You know what? On second thought, scratch that. Just decide it yourself and send me half a dollar each. Later I'll tell you who the winner is. And unlike those guys deciding the wonders I'll be flexible. Don't like my winner? fine . Select One for yourself. I wont Mind.