We all have our summers of '69. A land far far away. For me it would be the entirety of my school life. The day I skipped school was the day I lost touch with all my friends, all the boys I had known for 10 years, ever since consciousness had dawned. Busy drowning the little pinpricks of guilt and regret for never saying goodbye, I never realized how much I missed them
Until now
Until almost 8 months back I entered the metro and a voice called out my name.
Until I turned to see a face I thought I had never seen, but actually was one I had not seen in the last 9 years.
Over the last 8 months I revived old contacts, talked to old friends over the phone, and I was amazed at how warm everyone was. People I didn't think even remembered my name would tell me anecdotes about me, ones I barely remembered ! And it all came to a heady reunion when the six of us resumed our old friendship in a seedy little bar. There was mostly laughter, a bit of seriousness, and basically just getting high.... on memories. For a few brief hours, we were all back in our summer of '69.
That's awesome! I hope some day to have a moment like that with my old friends.
The internet has been a great tool for re-connecting and I am well on my way to a reunion of my own.
Any thoughts 'bout the Summer of '07? ;-)
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