Wednesday, September 15, 2004


Sometimes people really piss me off , but somethings piss me off are just too damn justified . I have a friend , i dont name names but hes like a great guy , very helpful, understanding , and everything else , except that he has abso-fucking-lutely NO sense of responsibility . Hes not like the people who DONT take responsibility , hes one of those who will be the first one to take it and then cheerfully forget about it . He calls up and tells me he'll be coming over to do our project work at 2 in the afternoon today . And then finally at five thirty yes FIVE THIRTY he fucking calls me up and says "oh hi , look im sorry but you know friends had come over , so i couldnt leave the house" and this isnt a one shot deal . he does that all the time . And as much as it irritates me , it will hurt him in the long run much much more . Anyway on happier news I urge anyone who can to play Prince of Persia, the sands of time .. Glorious game , absolutely wonderful. And got my first look at doom 3 , runs in my machine with everything turned down , but still enough atmosphere to make me scream and gasp every 3 minutes .

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