Thursday, September 09, 2004

Google Crazy

Amal has gone google crazy as far as i can tell , at its not just him, its like the entire planet is a google nut . At least the internet using part of it . And who can blame them , truly , google is one of the fantastic perks of using the internet . I shudder to think what searches would be without google . And truly , the fastest search engine out there by a long long way . I dont remember when i last used another search engine . Anyway back to matters more domestic , I called up IGNOU to inquire why my name wasnt in the list , Robida told tme to meet him , i do that in the pouring rain and does he sort the matter out ?? N bloody ooooooooo . He tells me I have to send an application to Bikash Bhavan . Why he couldnt tell me that over the phone i will never know . Oh and Im getting creamed in the team qualifiers in UT . The semifinal match ive lost twice , its like my teammates are all implanted with jackass AI and the opponents have the speed and agility of Nadia Komanichi on speed .

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